September 15, 2006

RFID Hybrid Tech: Combining GPS For Location Tracking

An US patent has been awarded [Marketwire] to MicroTRAKgps, a subsidiary of The Tracking Corporation, for a hybrid technology that combines RFID and GPS (Global Positioning System). Such technology might the realization of fears that many people have about being tracked with their RFID-tagged box of cereal. However, there are legitimate, non-invasive RTLS (real-time location system) uses including asset tracking and the tracking of livestock, especially cattle, which often roam free and are thus subject to being stolen by rustlers. In fact, the MicroTRAKgps website details how police were able to recover a large spool of wire that had a SlimTRAK portable unit embedded in it.

By the way, for more legitimate uses (and some not so?) read 33 ways RFID has invaded your life for a brilliant overview, both humorous and serious, of radio frequency technology and its effect on us, positive or negative. Gee, I wish I'd written something like that.

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