April 06, 2007

New RFID Starter Kit

So you're a company that is thinking about using RFID technology for asset management. Maybe you have to use RFID to meet some compliance requirements? What do you do? Where do you start? RFID training is highly recommended, but a supplement to this is an RFID starter kit.

Now, there are the toy kits and the more serious ones like the RFID starter kit offered by Fluensee, which can actually be used in a production environment. This one costs $10,000, includes asset tracking software, a handheld reader (ruggedized), and a few hundred passive tags. Not quite as cheap as the $99 toy kit, but likely more useful.

As RFID matures and becomes more commonplace, we should see more specialized kits at difference price points. This will be almost necessary to entice smaller businesses that could benefit but are concerned about the total cost outlay.

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