May 11, 2005

Axcess RFID Tags for Waste Management

Axcess International's active radio frequency identification system is being used by Betchel Hanford's Environmental Restoration project to track waste from cleanup sites along the Columbia River in Washington. A critical component in waste management is being able to identify exactly what the waste is and record where it is being disposed. Active RFID tags on each truck will ensure that the weight and identity of the waste is automatically logged into an integrated database without the driver having to leave his truck and manually input this data, thereby improving accuracy and efficiency. According to

Allan Griebenow, president and CEO of Axcess, said the project is another step forward for multiple tag technology.
The Axcess system uses small, battery-powered RFID tags to transmit wireless messages to small receivers with a typical range of 30 to 100 feet. The receivers are connected to existing security alarm systems or networked on a corporate network.

Read more: RFID Tags Work For Waste

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