May 05, 2006

P&G gets RFID benefits

Proctor and Gamble claimed that the use of RFID technology in its new Fusion razor has increased its marketability. Electronic Product Code EPC supported stores experienced higher sale than the control stores. P & G has achieved its target by using an EPC RFID to its Fusion razor, Dick Cantwel, vice president and head of RFID at P&G told.

A CPG company needs promotional campaigns and product launches for its growth. In order to make the promotional campaigns more effective, the P&G has introduced RFID technology in its Gillette Fusion. The company is now expecting 20 percent hike in its sale.

P & G has two retailers, four distribution centers and 400 stores to track its products. Implementing RFID technology, the company knows availability of razors in the stores so that it can provide new razors to the stores for sale on time.
At the same time, installment of readers between a store’s stock room and sales floor enables P&G to notice whether a retailer had put the promotional displays on the sales floor in accordance with its launch plans.


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