December 29, 2006

RFID World Map

RFID Tribe has put together an RFID map of the world (via The RFID Weblog) using Google Maps. The map geocodes uses of RFID by companies, associations, universities, etc. And you can add your own RFID points of interest. There are 233 points as of this writing What would be interesting is to cross-reference this map with IDTechEx's RFID case studies database containing over 2400 instances of projects in 92 countries around the world (as of Dec 23/06). The database is also categorized by industry.

Now assuming IDTechEx's information at least has city data, these points could be cross-referenced with the CIA's worldbook, which would include Latitude/ Longitude values for each city's geographic center. Grab a Google Maps API developer code, massage the IDTechEx data, and you have a great starting point for an auto-generated world map. Such a map would also provide a nice overview of where the most activity in RFID is.

The only drawback is that IDTechEx database is probably internal and the case studies themselves cost many hundreds of dollars each. Though who knows. Maybe IDTechEx will launch their own Google Map of studies.

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