March 23, 2007

i-Disk RFID USB Flash Drive

Pretec has come up with a tiny waterproof USB flash drive that combines RFID technology to allow remote reading of data. Memory sizes range from 128Mb to 1 Gb. Applications for use involve environments such as hospitals, airports, and warehouses. [Digitimes, Gizmodo, Medical Design Online, Loftwares]

Considering that most RFID chips have puny memory storage, technology like this has numerous applications. For example, such a drive could replace/ supplement the patient records that hang on a clip board in a hospital. In fact, since the device is so small (smaller than an American quarter) it could be used in a number of consumer devices as well, say for payment solutions. However, the USB technology would be unnecessary in some devices.

One other application might be to use it to replace the "dog tag" id tags that US soldiers wear. The Pretec device could be fashioned into a new set of dog tags and carry a soldier's details. This use would maybe put paid to VeriChip's idea of imposing forced chip implantation into members of the military.

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