April 23, 2007

RFID Regulation: New Bills In California and North Dakota

To date, two states - Wisconsin and now North Dakota -  have banned forced human RFID implants. Except that there's no way that'll stop determined employers. Jeremy Duffy offers an explanation of how organizations might circumvent such laws. One way is by suggesting that implantation is voluntary but to then either punish those that don't "volunteer" or reward those that do. I've worked for enough bad bosses in my life to know the tactics companies use to make you do what they want, or to conoct ways to make you quit if you don't comply. There's no reason why the same sort of emotional blackmail will not happen in regards to RFID implantation.

In California, the issue is more about the use of RFID in certain ways by public entities. An elementary school there has tried to implement an RFID program to monitor the whereabouts of students. To deter this sort of use, the California Senate passed a bill 28-5 to prevent public schools from mandatory RFID systems for monitoring students. The bill must still be passed by the State Assembly.

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