April 06, 2004

RFID Partnership Formed to Improve Food Traceability

Franwell, a U.S. technology firm that has produced software solutions for food processors, and the University of Florida announced a partnership to develop the use of RFID technology in the food industry. By next year, the EU is requiring that processors be able to trace food processes throughout the supply line.

Food Navigator reports:

"This could have a dramatic impact on the industry. Escalating costs could drive some out of business, force some smaller companies to merge with larger ones and complicate the issue of EU accession for those countries whose systems are not yet up to scratch.

"But despite this, Mark Baillache, a partner at consultancy firm KPMG responsible for the UK food sector, believes that the move towards greater traceability in the food chain is something that, by in large, should and will be welcomed by the industry." Read more

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