November 24, 2004

CompTIA, AIM Global to Offer RFID Certification

Next Monday, CompTIA and AIM Global will announce plans to offer an RFID training and certification program. With mandates being issued by many retailers and the Department of Defense, there is a shortage of professionals trained in RFID.

According to eWeek:

Some manufacturers have been working with RFID internally—in what are known as "closed-loop systems"—for the past 10 or 12 years, AIM Global president Dan Mullen said, also during the interview.
"What you're seeing now is companies looking at RFID for supply chain initiatives," Mullen said. The U.S. Department of Defense and large retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target and Albertsons all have issued mandates to their product suppliers to start using RFID in 2005.

Read more: Program to Offer RFID Training, Certification

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