November 04, 2004

MasterCard OneSMART PayPass RFID Credit Card

In the United States, Mobil gas stations and McDonald's have contactless payment readers that employ RFID technology. Now in the UK, MasterCard is beginning to test its RFID credit card that uses Chip and PIN and RFID technology to enable contactless payments.

According to

The card is now ready for trialling at banks and shops, the company said. MasterCard is hoping the touch-and-pay system will take off in retailers where speed is of the essence - fast food restaurants or at motorway toll booths, for example.
A reader located on a retailer's till captures the card holder's details, with the card holder then approving the transaction in the same way they would with a Chip and PIN card, although for micro-payments - buying a 99p burger and the like - tapping in a PIN or signing a receipt can be skipped.

Read more: Chips ready to take their toll

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