April 25, 2005

Harvard CIO Gets RFID Personally

David Grober writes that Harvard Medical School CIO John Halamka not only supports RFID technology, he uses it. He's got an RFID chip implanted in his arm. For Halamka:

"I felt the only way to really understand the pros and cons of the technology would be being an early adopter myself," Halamka explains during a CIO sessions video interview. "We’re spending vast amounts of money and hurting a vast number of patients in this country because we’re just not delivering healthcare accurately enough."

It will be interesting to see how many more people will go as far as to implant foreign objects within themselves. Before you think that this may be beyond bizarre, think of the pacemaker and the artifical heart. Not so bad now is it?

Read more: Rx for a CIO: RFID implant

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