October 13, 2005


By 2010, the Real-time location systems (RTLS) market is set to grow beyond $ 1.6 billion. The growth of RTLS is going to be spurred by the development of the strategic WLAN market. The revenue from RTLS in the year 2005 is not expected to be more than $ 20 million.

The forecast is considered to cover the software, hardware, and services that will be required for the successful deployment of an RTLS system. The major contributors to revenue from RTLS are expected to be the hardware components such as readers, tags, exciters and choke point readers, etc. WLAN infrastructure such as access points and bridges, WLAN system management software, security software, GPS components, etc have not been included in the forecast.

The Yankee Group expects that by 2009 more than 10 million tags will be tracked in diverse fields such as manufacturing, retail, hospitality, defense, etc. The growth of RTLS from being a niche solution to becoming an enterprise application is being powered by the increasing number of Wi-Fi deployments and the rapid progress in active RFID technology.

Currently, the profile of RTLS customers covers those who stand to achieve an improved ROI by reducing interruptions in the process flow of high-value assets. The adoption of RTLS is linked to increased standardization and component and implementation costs. As these costs come down, the technology will be embraced by SMBs in the EMEA and the Asia-Pacific region. In the US, retail and education, which are cost-sensitive sectors, will push RTLS adoption. rfidupdate.com reports:

Although this forecast is conservative, there is tremendous growth opportunity if the industry works on growing the available market.

Read More: RTLS Market To Exceed $1.6 Billion by 2010

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