May 19, 2006

GS1 to offer RFID courses at Domino training centre

GS1 UK has appointed Domino for training of RFID technology and supply chain management. The GS1 Group uses RFID technology to provide cost effective services to the industries. It develops solutions for supply chain management. Domino will be the GS1’s training centre. Domino will conduct training courses on GS1 bar code system at Cambridge and Bristol.

The training will focus on different kinds of bar codes for retail sector and outer packaging. The training classes will benefit the companies. The market executive at Domino, Gary Girling quoted, ‘This is a tremendous opportunity for Domino and we’re really looking forward to using our own expertise and experiences to bring an added dimension to the course. Domino has a number of expert trainers in this field and we are confident that delegates will receive a first-class service.’

Via graphicrepro

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