May 22, 2006

Middle East Jewelry stores adopt RFID System

RFID technology is gaining momentum in Middle East. The business community of Middle East cannot but exploit this latest technology. Recently fifteen jewelry stores in the Middle East have started adopting RFID system to track the movement of each piece of jewelry. The Jewelry Store, established in Dubai has developed RFID system for the retail sectors of Middle East. The jewelry stores in Qatar , UAE and Bahrain are taking advantages of the system. The jewelry stores are using the RFID technology to keep record of the ornaments. By using RFID systems, the retailers are able to meet the demand of the customers.

Gold dominates the jewelry market of Dubai. The fluctuation in the price of gold also brings rise and fall in the insurance cost. When the insurance cost rises, then most of the retailers are forced out of business. London based company Standard Bank which has an office in Dubai is ready to own the jewelry by getting the inventory status report through RFID technology.

Via: [RFID Journal]

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