May 30, 2006

VeriChip Corporation's RFID chips to identify immigrants and guest workers

VeriChip Corporation says its RFID chips are available to identify immigrants and guest workers. The chairperson of the Board of VeriChip Cor., Scott Silveram claimed this after President George W. Bush called for advanced technology to clamp down on Mexican immigrants.

This assertion has irked the privacy advocates. The advocates like Katherine Albrecht and Liz have warned that a government sanctioned chipping program such as that suggested by Silverman could quickly be expanded to include U.S citizens, as well. Albrecht said, 'Makers of VeriChip have been planning for this day. They have lost millions of dollars trying to sell their invasive product to North America, and now they see an opportunity in the desperation of the people of Latin America'. McIntyre quoted,

The mantra 'chip the foreigners' has little appeal once people realize the company wants to stamp its 'electronic tattoo' into every one of us.

Via: [RFID Blog]

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