June 06, 2006

Northern Foods redesigns its supply chain with RFID line

Northern Foods is remodeling its supply chain with RFID technology-the technology used to collect information for improving business standard.

Most of the customers of Northern Foods are deploying RFID technology. Marks & Spencer, which receives about 30 per cent of Northern Foods' sales, have adopted pallet-level tagging for some one hundred and fifteen-food suppliers in 2004.

Mark & Spencer claims that RFID has helped the company in controlling the supply chain. Now, the leading food producer Northern Foods with turn over of £1.4bn is planning to utilize information derived from RFID.

The executive director of the food producer Stefan Barden commented on the implementation of RFID technology, 'We are planning to reconfigure our supply chain. We are thinking about who manages the supply chain and the information in it'.

Via: [Computer Weekly]

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