August 23, 2006

Positive Side Effects Of Learning About RFID

Marisa Torreri writes in RFID News about how a small mom-and-pop style manufacturer got started with RFID for less than US$6,000 and less than 40 person-hours of effort. [via RFID News] Thus, despite the high cost of item-level tagging, projects like this one are not so costly.

What I find interesting in the article is that the guy who was in charge of the project is now lecturing at conferences. This is a man that either has foresight or managed to luck out. Since the RFID industry is expected to suffer a shortage of skilled workers, especially system integrators and consultants, he is going to be a hot commodity.

So for the entrepreneurs out there, consider such positive side effects as motivation for learning all you can about RFID. Buy a few kits and try your own RFID experiments. (Makezine is a good starting point for a few easy projects.)

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