August 23, 2006

RFID Roundup - Wed Aug 23/06

The 2005 California Bill 682 stalled the use of RFID technology in ID cards, placing a three-year moratorium on such use. That bill has now been amended and approved by a 49-to-26 vote in the California Assembly. Senate still has to vote. If it passes, it'll be sent to The Terminator, I mean (California Governor) Schwarzenegger for final approval. [via RFID Journal]

Despite rumblings that China wanted their own RFID standard, ABI Research's latest report suggests that this is unlikely. This may be partly due to EPCGlobal's activities in mainland China, whose momentum would be difficult for the government to stop. [via RFID Update]

Newsfactor Online has a lengthy article on RFID and the changes it will bring to our lives, privately, in the workplace, and in places we shop.

The government of Queensland in Australia is seeking vendors for their smartcard driver's license, for which studies were conducted starting in 2003. [via Australian IT]

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