August 14, 2006

Some RFID Planning Advice For Manufacturing Businesses

Patrick Sweeney, author of RFID for Dummies and CEO of ODIN Technologies, gives some great advice about planning for RFID in an interview with AIM Global. I've linked to the article previously, but wanted to do so again because his advice is so valuable for any company that is in the manufacturing business.

Even if you don't have an existing RFID project, someone in your company, who has decision-making authority or influence, needs to at least plan for a scenario where RFID is integrated into your plant. It could be a sketch, a short bullet list of all the implementation possibilities, or a spreadsheet listing such things. Even better, do all of that.

This way, two or three years down the line, your company will have someone with at least a rudimentary understanding of RFID and you will not be diving into completely unknown territory.

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