September 07, 2006

RFID Security Projects: E-Passports and PASS/ WHTI

NXP, formerly known as Philips Semiconductor, has won the right to be a supplier for the new US e-passport project. This company, in either incarnation, is involved in 30 of 36 e-passport programs around the world. The new ICAO-compliant e-passports are the subject of much controversy. Some security researchers claim that the underlying RFID chips can have their data cloned and then spoofed to a reader, making them a security risk. Despite that, participating countries started distributing the new RFID-enabled passports in August.

A similar national security project, PASS (People Access Security Service), is part of President Bush's WHTI (Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative), and is the subject of disagreement over the specific type of RFID technology being used. Some Canadian officials and some US lawmakers feel that the PASS card will hinder commerce and tourism. Two US senators are trying to bring about legislation to delay the PASS program, which is currently set to be active on Jan 1, 2008.

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