October 02, 2006

RFID Roundup - Mon Oct 2/ 06

Unusual Uses of RFID: To Bee Or Not Bee
Bees are needed to pollinate a variety of commercially-grown flowers and trees, and with a decline American bee population, hive-stealing seems to be on the increase. To combat this, and Integral RFID have come up with something called Hive Sentry, an RFID-based system that alerts owners if hives are moved. Communication is via Bluetooth, to a PDA phone. [via RFID Journal]

Forget Smartcards, Here Are Smart Dummies
Judi Henderson-Townsend, who owns and operates Mannequin Madness, uses RFID to manage inventory of mannequins and parts, and to speed up the process for putting together a custom mannequin for clients. Her system allows her to quickly find limbs and heads that match with a given torso. [via RFID journal]

Dog-gone: Woman's Best Friend
Crazy but supposedly true, sourced from the BBC, a paragon of news truth: A dog swallowed the RFID chip from a car key, but the car started anyway, with the key in the ignition and the dog near the steering column. [BBC via Spychips blog]

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