October 25, 2006

RFID Roundup - Wed Oct 25/06

RFID Cannes-Can
A hospital in Cannes, home of the famous French film festival, is using RFID in their laundry operations to manage hospital garments. Over 36,000 garments use TAGSYS tags that can repeatedly withstand water, heat and chemicals. Other hospitals in the area also send their garments to the same laundry. Information in each tag tells laundry staff where the garment came from and how many are in stock, amongst other things. [via PR Web/ ] Hospitals are already using radio frequency tags and systems for patient records management and other applications.

Europeans Wary Of RFID
A survey by the European Commission suggests that over of EU (European Union) citizens are strongly in support of de-activating radio frequency tags on consumer goods at the point of purchase. Two-thirds of survey respondents feel there should be more data protection and privacy legislation, especially if RFID use grows in the EU. This is something the Commission will have to take in account, especially since other research shows big potential in Europe for RF technology, despite the narrow band for RFID tech allocated by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute).

Take The First Step
For those companies not yet using RFID, take some risks and jump in, learn to innovate. For those already using RFID, share your successes in a community fashion. That's the advice from representatives of RFID early-adopter companies like Wal-Mart and Procter & Gamble, speaking at the EPCglobal US's third annual user conference. [via RFID Journal]

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