November 07, 2006

Fake e-Passports? What About Fake Boarding Passes?

Bruce Schneier of Wired News writes about Christopher Soghoian, whose home was visited by the FBI, his door smashed in and his computers and other items seized. Seems Christopher wanted to revisit a known flaw for Northwest Airlines - the ability to create fake boarding passes - by creating a website that lets people create and print their own. A bit extreme, and I'm not sure he got his point across. And here we are worrying about security flaws and cloned e-Passports. Schneier then continues on to explain how fake boarding passes can, unfortunately, be used for nefarious purposes. You'd think that someone would have plugged this problem by now. The printing of boarding passes from home computers has been available since 1999, was apparently halted after 9/11, and then brought back.

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