April 23, 2007

Steal Data From RFID Passports With $20 In Equipment

[Commentary] Apparently, all you need to do to skim data from a certain type of RFID chip used in e-passports and credit cards is $20 worth of equipment available on eBay and the know how. Except that security researcher Chris Paget isn't allowed to say how the flaw works, due to a claim by a chip maker that he'd be infringing on various rights. They stopped Paget from talking at the Black Hat conference in February, and they're still trying to do so now.

Very interesting way of trying to defeat detractors, but instead helping, those who feel consumers should be aware of such security flaws will probably mistrust the manufacturer now. (I unfortunately do not know who this is - see below.) Alienating more people is not what the RFID industry needs; it's about awareness. It might be time get new lawyers and PR people.

[UPDATE: I mistakenly indicated that IOActive is the chipmaker in the above article. Correction made, and my sincere apologies for the error.]

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