March 13, 2007

RFID Gazette - Tues Mar 13, 2007

Mobile Payments Initiative
Two organizations have launched a joint initiative for the financial services industry to enable mobile payments. They are looking at two types of payment. One would be for purchases via NFC and other contactless technology. The other would be transfer of funds between the accounts of two consumers. It should be noted that PayPal, the payments processor owned by eBay (who also own the Skype VoIP software company) already allows mobile payments through SMS text messaging.

Apple Into RFID?
Not quite. However, they have filed a patent for a wireless home networking system that uses an RFID reader. The system would assume that a variety of devices (laptop, PDA, iPod) would have an RFID tag and the network would automatically configure a network connection for it. [via RFID Update; they have a link to the patent.]

Very exciting application. I heard nothing about this until now. The drawback is that Apple technology has traditionally been very singular, with the company typically not licensing/ authorizing clones. This sounds like a fascinating application, but it might only ever be used for Apple products.

If You Can't Beat'em, Confuse'em:
So IOActive's researcher Chris Paget was told to put off his "clone RFID cards" talk at the Black Hat conference recently, based on the charge that the demonstration would violate HID Global's patents in card readers. Huh? Defeat "enemies" with confusion? I don't even know where to start with this one. The validity of this claim is questionable. Other RFID presentations did continue, however. Still, this is a bad precedent and stinks of bullying.

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