March 07, 2007

Why Amal Graafstra Got RFID Implants

Amal Graafstra, author of the book RFID Toys, is one of the first people to implant himself with an RFID chip. His first chip was in one hand, and he later implanted a second chip in the other hand. As he's said a few times, he doesn't need to carry around keys.

If you want to know more about why he did it, read [via Trossen Robotics]. I've always maintained that while I don't believe in forced implants, I have no problem with someone who willingly gets implanted or even does it themselves. I have friends/ acquaintances who have done other types of body modifications, including implants of small balls, horns or other shapes. That said, I'd go for other types of implants/ piercings or tattoos and scarifications, etc., before I'd ever get an RFID implant.

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