May 07, 2007


Remember CDs and DVDs? Does anyone still buy them anymore? Of course they do (despite the fall of Tower Records and lots of smaller music stores). And that probably means they still get stolen. So NXP Semiconductors is introducing RFID technology to fight theft. DVD makers will embed a tag into their discs, which would not be disabled until an item is sold, thus reducing thefts - since who would want an unwatchable DVD?

Just wondering if anyone has thought to place an RFID reader inside a DVD player. The disc tags wouldn't have to be disabled, and assuming they can't be cloned, discs would only play if they're legit. If this can actually work (i.e., no flaws in the concept), this could kill the counterfeit market altogether. Counterfeiting has long been a problem for a variety of consumer products, and RFID has been introduced to fight in some markets. Examples are celebrity collectibles, casino chips, and certain pharmaceutical drugs.

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