November 16, 2004

RFID Security a Major Issue

The bottom line results and ROI have been the main focus of RFID implementation thus far in many businesses. But security issues should remain a major concern.

According to Information Week:

A number of security measures, including ISO standard 15693 for data authentication, already are used in applications such as banking-card authorizations and building- access systems, and could play a role in RFID security, Sabetti says. But not all of them are being considered for adoption by the EPCglobal Network, which provides the infrastructure for sharing RFID-enabled information about products in the supply chain. EPCglobal maintains the electronic-product-code database, which identifies a manufacturer, product, and version and serial number; provides middleware specifications for data exchange; and administers the Object Name Service for matching an electronic product code to information about the associated item.

Read more: RFID's Security Challenge

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