July 14, 2006

Peer-to-Peer Capabilities of RuBee, An Alternative To RFID

RuBee is being touted as a low-cost alternative to RFID, for low-bandwidth scenarios. One feature that might just push RuBee-based tags to wider implementation than RFID is its peer-to-peer capabilities, which include being searchable on the Internet.

In the IEEE announcement of RuBee, they point out the fact that these tags will be equipped with IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. However, the page mentions the older IPv4 instead of the newer IPv6 with longer addresses. IPv6 is expected by some peple to be the backbone of being able to set up a network of SEDs (Service Enabled Devices) that communicate with each other over an "Internet of devices".

Regardless, as RuBee tags have IP addresses, that means that their status can be checked from the Internet. Given a full-blown SED with a RuBee tag and a web server, you can view data collected by the device simply by visiting a dedicated web page. In fact, the press release mentions a ".tag" TLD (Top-Level Domain) name, so you could presumably have a web URL such as http://ourlabs.tag/rubee42/.

Besides asset management, combined with a variety of hybrid sensors, RuBee tags could have enormous telepresence-related application implications, including security (such as Seaport + border), robotics, nanotechnology, weather sensors, and more.

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