August 30, 2006

High Frequency RFID Chip Shipments Increase Over 100%

Nearly 600 million HF (High Frequency) RFID chips were shipped in 2005, according to ABI Research. Additionally, there was around a 104% increase in shipments of ISO14443 ICs (Integrated Circuit) chips from Q1 2005 to Q1 2006. Most of this growth is due to an increase in contactless payment/ credit cards, drug tagging, and e-passports, the latter of which currently involves 27 countries including the United States. [via Contactless News]

Security experts in Europe have show that the RFID chips in ICAO-compliant e-passports have security/ privacy flaws, including being clonable, but that has not stopped the passing out of e-passports, which started earlier this month in the United States, the European Union, and other countries. As for contactless payment cards, they seem to be growing in use, with organizations like Chase Bank intending to pass out at least 2 million RFID-enabled credit cards.

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