August 30, 2006

The State of RFID In China

With rumors recently quashed about China wanting their own RFID standard, the state of RFID there is causing some worries in the industry. IdTechEx recently sent technical consultant Ning Xiao around the country to visit RFID companies, users, and government officials. His findings are summarized at IDTechEx, but the gist is that China has the world's largest order for RFID, including their national ID card program. Ning's findings summarize a number of other areas of importance, including that around 65% of Wal-Mart's goods sold are from China.

Given this information, it's a good thing that China has stopped talking about having their own RFID standard, as doing so would have repercussions on the industry. Wal-Mart isn't the only giant retailer to purchase goods from China, and having to support different standards would likely be a technical nightmare, as well as increasing RFID implementation costs.

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