August 23, 2006

Persistent VeriChip Wants To RFID-Tag US Soldiers

Not happy with tagging dead bodies in disaster recovery efforts, and babies to supposedly prevent kidnapping, VeriChip Corporation now wants to tag US soldiers. As I've stated before, repeatedly, I despise this company for giving the public the general impression that RFID is an evil technology. It's bad enough that US soldiers in the past have been the subject of drug tests during other wars, but now this intended treatment of them as livestock/ household pets sickens me. Has VeriChip no respect for the brave men and women who serve the country? How could they possibly claim they do?

Given that the intended implantable chips are supposed to replace the "dog tags" that soliders have worn since the early 1900s, VeriChip has yet to give any legitimate reason for their seeming agenda to implant as many living people as they can. Why wearable RFID devices aren't suffcient, I don't know.

While US citizens may generally feel resistance to implantable RFID chips, VeriChip is said to hold strong favor with the current administration. If this implanting comes to pass, there is going to be a political and media frenzy. Consider that Wisconsin and other US states have banned the forced implantation of RFID into humans. What happens when a soldier from one of those states is implanted? As I understand it, State law supplants Federal. This is one of those proverbial slippery slopes.

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