August 01, 2006

RFID Roundup - Tues Aug 1/06

Here are some summaries of recent RFID-related news from elsewhere that you may have missed.

FileTrail, Inc.'s RFID Tracking Solution will be used by the US 7th Judicial Circuit Court to automate the tracking and management of case files in 130 locations, including courtrooms, judges' chambers, etc. The system will eliminate manual searches as well. [via PRWeb]

GAO Tek Inc., formerly GAO Engineering, of Toronto, Canada, has spun out GAO RFID Inc. The website includes an online store for RFID tags, labels, and readers, and supplies information about markets and solutions as well. [via]

The hospital/ healthcare market for RFID is hot, and a number of companies are offering a variety of RFID-based asset managment solutions. One is Wren Medical Systems from Chicago, Illinois, who have just introduced a RFID-based software for managing medical devices. The sofware is intended for health care providers and is being distributed, through a partnership, in North and Central America. [via RFID Solutions Online]

Paxar Corporation has a new RFID compliance kit, RFID Headstart, aimed, it appears, at SMBs (Small to Medium Businesses) who are suppliers to larger companies that have an RFID requirement - for example, Wal-Mart. The turnkey kit saves SMBs the time and cost of having to put together their own system. It comes with a variety of components including an RFID printer, reader, labels, compliant software, support, service, and consulting. [via More RFID] a similar RFID compliance package is available from Omron.

Symbol Technologies has introduced a new industrial-class Gen 2 RFID reader based on their XR architecture. The device runs on the Microsoft Windows CE operating system, which allows integration with other MS Windows systems.[via]

Firetide Inc. of California is offering a hybrid wireless mesh/ RFID  system for automobile dealerships. This system ties into the KeyWhere lockbox RFID system, which tracks data on all vehicles in a dealershp. Each lockbox communicates through either Wi-Fi or ZigBee. [via The Auto Channel]

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