November 23, 2006

Nottingham University Hospital Leverages RFID

An RFID pilot study at NHS (Nottingham University Hospital) Trust is being conducted to achieve three purposes: (1) track medical equipment and manage IT assets; (2) locate emergency staff in real-time; (3) monitor babies. In the latter case, RFID would be used to prevent unauthorized removal of babies from the maternity ward. [via Computing UK] VeriChip's Hugs Infant Protection System is used in a similar manner.

Before this, most of the hospital case studies I've seen only had one application. It appears that hospitals are starting to see enough return in radio frequency technology that they are using it for several applications simultaneously. Some other hospital applications include tracking blood, monitoring bed cleaning, tracking sponges during operations, and monitoring the cleaning of hospital garments. The hospital market for radio frequency technology is expected to reach nearly US$9B by 2010.

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